There is nothing more than such a schoolbag which had English taste." Julie never consider moving her production place to a lower one. "Without any off-line jumper, scratches, flawless." A blogger named Cate claimed on the size 15 purple cambridge satchel coupon and even she said for the parcel, "I really like the old-fashioned white string wrapped up by the Department of the old-fashioned luggage tag, and I really feel I get some own the little Victorian."
It is a neutral and square, leather texture bag, which is both fit for all girls and boys. The shoulder strap can be adjusted for the shoulder backpack and the most traditional clamshell and dual buckle design are still used in this bags. You may not find any bells and whistles and some attractions in the bags but you can frequently see it in the fashion blogs and streets and stores. The brand of designer Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garcons has launched the new style CDG x Cambridge with the Cambridge Satchel Company, which will make such bags appearing at the Paris Fashion Week show.
Now, according to Bloomberg News reported in July, the cambridge satchel sales has reached 1500 a week in 36 countries around the world, and more want to buy cambridge satchel. The company's annual turnover is £ 9,000 in 2008, but in 2010 it reached £ 790,000, and this year it is expected to reach 8 million pounds. All this is unexpected by this woman and the daughter. Now you have to wait at least a month for a Cambridge package from ordering to receiving.
I have to say the website is a good choice for those people who want or have the idea to buy a genuine Cambridge package. Though it is not an official website, but the cheap price and good quality is attractive to us, even though you can add your name or some words on the bag.
I have tried this new way, and like it very much because my bag is so special. The first design coming from the Cambridge Satchel Companyis a college style backpack which is cortex and heavy. The price of this kind of bags keeps a close conection with the style. Generaly the packet is bigger and then the price is more expensive. It is absolutely genuine, and quality assurance when you purchase the bags from the website I introduce.
The price of more than one hundred pounds make it seem excellent value for money. In fact, the past two years, some luxury brands have launched their own retro handbags, such as the Classic Box from Celine and Alexa from Mulberry. But the price is more expensive than the cambridge satchel bag. A Classic Box can even buy a dozen Cambridge packages.
What is more important, the cambridge satchel company is regardless of gender, both girls and boys can carry it. And at the same time, the deep sense of nostalgia taste has also attracted a wider age consumers. A customer Kenneth from London said after his purchase of a turquoise-colored 11-inch Cambridge, "Thank God, this old-fashioned thing still exist, and the it is perfect from the material to the style which reminds me of my blue-black color school bag in the first grade, it is 1956!"